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Mag. Dr. phil. Georg Marschnig

Lecturer for the Didactics of History and Civic Education at the Departement of History at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Georg Marschnig studied History and German in Graz and graduated in 2006. After completing the Universitätslehrgang DaF/Daz in 2007, he moved to Vienna, where he completed his PhD in 2010. Since 2012 Lecturer for the Didactics of History at Graz University. From 2009-2018 Teacher for History and German at Bundesgymnasium Kirchengasse Graz,. 2012-2016 Coordinator for History and Civic Education Teacher Training at University College of Teacher Education Styria. Since 2011, he held various in-service-teacher-training seminars and international presentations, especially on memory studies, history didactics and language in history teaching. Teaching and training visits in Vietnam, Bulgaria, England, Israel, Norway and France.

E-Mail: georg.marschnig@uni-graz.at


Radicalized Language – Radicalized Politics? Language Sensitive Teaching in Civic Education

The presentation focusses the radicalization of language in politics in the recent years and links the language of politics and politicians with Civic Education in schools. It asks for new methodical approaches to deal with these new demands.

Taking language into to focus of political learning seems to be very rewarding, as language is not only depicting reality; it is constructing reality, too. Language is creative – it is including and excluding. Being voiceless in a society means being powerless, too. Language is the key to social participation and political codetermination. If silence means consent, Civic Education has to enable young learners to understand the language of politics and to deal with manifestations of politics.

The benefits of language aware teaching will be demonstrated with the first results of the study “Linguistic efforts of multiperspective learning”, which was started in June 2018 to underline the role of language skills in historical and political learning.

Programme: Panel 11, Friday, 7 September 2018, 13:00-14:30