© Andrei Pungovschi
Philippe Narval
Managing Director, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
Philippe Narval was raised in the Austrian Lake District. After receiving a scholarship, he completed his secondary education at the Lester B. Pearson United World College in Canada and holds university degrees from Kings College London and the University of Oxford. He spent several years of his professional life living and working in in the arts and in international development in Eastern Europe, South America and the Middle East. In March 2012, he assumed the role of managing director of the European Forum Alpbach. He writes and lectures on issues related to renewing our democracy and citizen participation. In 2018 his book “Die Freundliche Revolution” (“The friendly revolution”) was published on the topic; portraying a number of successful democratic innovations all across Europe.
Homepage: www.alpbach.org
Twitter: @philippenarval
Programme: Discussant Keynotes 7 and 8, Friday, 7 September 2018, 10:30-12:00